Preparing for Deckchute is a three step excercise.
You must consider:
1. The boat
2. the kites
3. The Deckchute
To guide you through the three steps and introduce you to Deckchute thinking, click to see the User Guidelines for Super Yachts.

Preparing for Deckchute is a three step excercise.
You must consider:
1. The boat
2. the kites
3. The Deckchute
To guide you through the three steps and introduce you to Deckchute thinking, click to see the User Guidelines for Super Yachts.

Preparing for Deckchute is a three step excercise.
You must consider:
1. The boat
2. the kites
3. The Deckchute
To guide you through the three steps and introduce you to Deckchute thinking, click to see the User Guidelines for Super Yachts.
You are a good sailor.
Maybe you used to race a lot, now it is mostly cruising.
The boat may be 24 or 60 foot, you may be 2 or 15 on board.
Heading is downwind, true wind is 12-16 knots or more.
You know the feeling: You really really like to run a spinnaker to share the thrill with your guests, feeling the pressure of the elements.
But you know it: Even with a crowd onboard, cruising is often "kind of" short hand sailing, or even worse: It is you sailing single handed!
You can not ask beginners to handle massive loads, it is dangerous!
So, the spinnaker sadly stays below!
It need no longer be like this.
We have added a full length zip to the spinnaker to give you full control hoisting, and we have "cut" the hoist and the drop into a sequence of steps that you can do on your own: Running winches, pulling and slacking lines in the cockpit, and doing this in an orderly way and in a pace that suits you.
Meaning: No more rushing from spinnaker halyard to tack line to spinnaker sheet in order to keep clear of a twisted spinnaker and preventing it from going into the water!
No step is critical in the sense that it triggers an urgent next step!
You are in full control in your pace, all steps.
Each step you can take your time to check that all is good: Checking for twisted lines and so on, before you move on to the next step.
Hoisting and dropping is as fast or as slow as your pace.
Further more your job on the fore deck to prepare the spinnaker hoist is minimal, and you do not have to leave the cockpit at all to drop the spinnaker and head upwind.
This is an important and unique Deckchute feature shared by no other spinnaker control system.
Deckchute is mounted in harbor
Deckchute is secured to the deck, lying low: No worries going upwind.
The spinnaker is resting safely inside the Deckchute. All kind of weather, any heading, the spinnaker is ready. It can be hoisted as soon as you go downwind.
In all: NEW Deckchute system for cruising takes the worries out of spinnaker sailing.
Hoisting and dropping the spinnaker using Deckchute is as ordinary as leaving harbor, hoisting the main, unfurling the jib.
It is just you performing another row of "ships hape" doings!
Deckchute will make you run the spinnaker more often and in stronger winds, while you and your guests enjoy the thrill of running it closer to it's limits.
Have a look at the videos.