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Deckchute is two systems in one:

Deckchute Grand Prix 

Deckchute Shorthand.


The Dechchute hardware is the same.


The difference is the speed of the drop and the number of crew you need.


To do Deckchute Grand Prix drops, you need a fast-running winch for the dropline and you need the coordinated action of more skilled crew.

To do Deckchute Single/shorthand drops, a slow-running winch for the dropline is OK and for S/Y you only need the coordinated action of a few crew. Normal size boat singlehand hoist and drop is safe and easy

A boat with fast-running winches can choose to do Deckchute Grand Prix drops when racing fully crewed and Deckchute shorthand drops when cruising.

The Dechchute hardware is the same.

A boat with slow-running winches can not do Deckchute Grand Prix drops.

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